Bitterness of a Dead End

"My informant told me that there were small couriers sending packages to several repetitive recipients". Kamo lowered his voice and gave a piece of paper to Tibi. They sat at the corner of a small coffee shop. Kamo sipped his last americano and left Tibi, who was busy checking notes on that paper.
As an investigative reporter, Kamo sniffed strange activities of a research institution in Denpasar. He suspected it performed illegal shippings of germplasms abroad. He heard that there were regular shipments of small packages, claimed as souvenirs. He then called Tibi, an intelligence officer, whom he previously worked with, uncovering an international wildlife smuggling from Indonesia.
"Sorry, Kamo. We have raided all recipients abroad. Those were leased warehouses in the US, and were empty when we raided them. We could not find the lessees, or any documents." Tibi and Kamo met a week afterwards. Tibi has also contacted his confidential informant at the customs office with no result. Both of them now were staring at their empty coffee cups. They tasted the bitterness of a dead end. (rase)
Beberapa tulisan saya ambil dari postingan blog lama saya yang sudah tutup, termasuk tulisan ini. Pentigraf berbahasa Inggris ini saya tulis 13 Oktober 2017. Bahasa Inggris saya agak-agak ajaib, ya? Dulu bahasa Inggris tulis hanya urusan laporan alias nonfiksi. Haha.
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